QC Equipments

Our company will maintain high quality and perfection. Quality control is a process through which a business seeks to ensure that product quality is maintained or improved. It requires the business to create an environment in which both management and employees strive for perfection

The Equipment details are as follows

Survey Equipments

S.No Name of the Equipment Make No. of Units
1 Total Station with complete set Leica &  Sokkia 5
2 Auto Level with complete set Sokkia 35

Quality Control Equipments

Name of the Equipment Make No. of  Units
1 Proctor Moulds (Big) Coller or Base plate & Rammer 4.89 kg RAMAAS 5
2 Proctor Moulds (Small) Coller or Base plate & Rammer 2.6 kg RAMAAS 1
3 Atter Berg Limits Test(Apparatus) RAMAAS 1
4 Soil Cone Penetrometer RAMAAS 1
5 Proving Ring(50 KN) RAMAAS 1
6 Proving Ring(30 KN) RAMAAS 1
7 Proving Ring(2.5 KN) RAMAAS 1
9 CBR Testing Machine RAMAAS 1
10 Sand Pouring Cylinders (100 mm Dia) Complete with  Calibrating Container with Trays RAMAAS 4
11 Sand Pouring Cylinders (150 mm Dia) Complete with  Calibrating Container with Trays RAMAAS 4
12 Sand Pouring Cylinders (200 mm Dia) Complete with  Calibrating Container with Trays RAMAAS 4
13 Rapid Moisture Meters RAMAAS 4
14 Electronic Balance Capacity 60 kg (1 gram accuracy) RAMAAS 2
Electronic Balance Capacity 30 kg (1 gram acuuracy) RAMAAS 2
16 Electronic Balance Capacity 20 kg (1 gram acuuracy) Icon 1
17 Electronic Balance Capacity 10 kg (1 gram acuuracy) RAMAAS 1
18 Electronic Balance Capacity 600gram(0.01 gram acuuracy) RAMAAS 2
19 Hot Air Oven (Big)250oC RAMAAS 1
20 Direct Shear Test Apparatus Icon 1
21 Compressive Testing machine(2000KN) RAMAAS 2
22 Concrete Cube Moulds With Base Plate(10cm) RAMAAS 12
23 Motor Cube Moulds (7.06cm) with Base Plate RAMAAS 18
24 Motor Cube Vibrating Machine(12000 Rmp) RAMAAS 2
25 Concrete Mixer Electrically Operated RAMAAS 1
26 Cube Vibrating Machine (Big) RAMAAS 1
27 Slump Cone Testing Appratus RAMAAS 5
28 Vicat Needle Apparatus , with dash pot complete with set of  needles and brass mould RAMAAS 1
29 Soundness Testing Apparatus RAMAAS 1
30 Trowels With Wodden Handles RAMAAS 2
31 A I V Testing Machine RAMAAS 1
32 Flakiness Index Test Guage RAMAAS 1
33 Elongation Index Test Guage RAMAAS 1
34 Density Basket RAMAAS 1
35 Bulk Density Cylinder (5lt) RAMAAS 1
36 Bulk Density Cylinder (15lt) RAMAAS 1
37 Bulk Density Cylinder (30lt) RAMAAS 1
38 Riffle Sampler Divider 25mm Icon 1
39 Pycnometer Bottels ( 1000 ml) RAMAAS 3
Specific Gravity & water absorotion test apparatus with  Electronic balance RAMAAS 1
41 Specific Gravity Bottels ( 50 ml ) RAMAAS 2
42 Specific Gravity Bottels ( 100 ml ) RAMAAS 2
43 Ring & Ball Apparatus ( Softening Point ) RAMAAS 1
44 Bitumen Penetrometer ( automatic) RAMAAS 1
45 Marshall Stability Apparatus (set) RAMAAS 1
Marshall Compaction Pedestal RAMAAS 1
47 Marshall Compaction Rammer 4.53 KG RAMAAS 3
48 Marshall Moulds (101.6 mm Dia ) RAMAAS 30
49 Breaker – glass 600 ml for ring and ball apparatus RAMAAS 2
50 Bitumen Extraction Apparatus (centrifuge Type) RAMAAS 3
51 Core Cutting Machine With Apparatus (set) RAMAAS 3
52 Penetration cup 55×35 mm RAMAAS 4
53 U tube viscometer size-12 Icon 1
54 U tube viscometer size-6 Icon 1
55 Filtering Flask 2000ml Borosil Icon 1
56 Filtering Flask 5000ml Borosil Icon 1
57 Specfic gravity Bottle 100ml Icon 2
58 Hot Plates Electrical RAMAAS 2
59 Rain Guage RAMAAS 1
60 Depth gauge RAMAAS 4
61 Sampling containers 100 gms RAMAAS 150
62 3 Meter straight edge and measuring wedge RAMAAS 1
63 Camber template board RAMAAS 1
64 Hydrometer(05. to 2.0) RAMAAS 2
65 Hume/RCC Pipe Testing Machine Indus  Engineering 2